Free/Open Source Blogging client, focused on simplicity and usability.
Currently featured:
- A full featured WYSIWYG editor and an HTML editor.
- Previewing your post with your blog style, like when you are visiting it at your blog.
- Support for Blogger1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType (Wordpress supports all of these) and Google GData (used on blogs) APIs.
- Support for creating/modifying/deleting posts.
- Support for creating drafts and scheduled posts.
- Support for uploading media files to your blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType).
- Support for fetching your recent blog entries.
- Support for adding images to post from your system. It will upload them on Submitting post to blog (only on supported APIs e.g. MetaWeblog and MovableType).
- Support for saving local entries before publishing.
- Saving your writing copy to prevent data loss, at configurable intervals.
- Internal auto spell checker. (KDE spell checker used so most of languages are supported.)
This package is part of the KDE PIM module.
Install From Source:
$ cd kdepim/blogilo && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
$ make
$ sudo make install OR su -c 'make install'