Todays facebook is the one of the most popular social network site in all over world. social network is the most important part in our life because my ma'am says that we are a social animal and society is the second home of the human beings. In those days social networking was growing up so all people use these social networking site like facebook. in these type of social networking site we put our many personal data.
sometimes many of people said that my Id was hacked. that means we do not have monitor our site or our privacy terms. so a website give you the online full social network monitor for free of cost and there is many other function for the advance users.
User can monitor your site in different category:-
First, you need to choose the Facebook profile you want to protect and connect it to the Social Network Monitor. Click on the button “Add new profile” and follow the instructions.
Once the profile has been connected, the Social Network Monitor immediately begins running its first check. Depending on the volume of content within the profile, this can take up to several minutes.You can connect multiple Facebook profiles and start protecting your children too.
The Social Network Monitor does not post anything on your Facebook timeline or share any information with third parties without your permission.
All the latest activities from your Facebook profile in the one place. Click on "likes", "friends", "places", or "events" to view the information . this monitor alerts you to any questionable or harmful activities, links, or photos that appear.You can edit the content or the visibility of an activity by clicking on the attached link.
The Social Network Monitor shows you all pictures that have been uploaded recently by yourself or your friends.Easily check the photos you are tagged in.
Find even more pictures you appear in using the face recognition tool.
Access the pictures on Facebook to delete pictures and/or untag yourself.
The Social Network Monitor detects questionable posts on your Facebook timeline and within your network. You can then decide what action you wish to take.It's not what you say, but how you say it: Get a feel for the way in which you and your friends communicate and what kind of an impression this can have on others.
Have the general sentiment in your Facebook timeline and network analysed, so you can get a feel for the kind of impression your profile makes on others.
Here you get an overview of the personal information you are sharing on Facebook and can adjust your privacy settings.Learn about the consequences of disclosing personal information and how to adjust your privacy settings accordingly.
Get valuable tips on how to effectively protect yourself from potential threats.
The "privacy score" rates your profile's general level of security.
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