On Ubuntu operating system we see that there is a default theme for user interface and this is looking amazing but still you have a question in your mind 'Can i change my theme'?
So the answer is yes you change your theme. In the Ubuntu OS there are many themes give by many theme makers and other company. when you see on Google or any other search engines you have seen many result. there are many websites for giving you many theme and folder and icons logos and reverting codes giving here.
If you want to install best theme in ubuntu click here
when you open that you have many option on the screen, there are many codes giving in the page.
I am giving you the codes for Mac OS X theme giving below if you want to instal you just copy the code into your terminal and remember that you internet should be connected. without net connect you are not able to install the theme.
So the answer is yes you change your theme. In the Ubuntu OS there are many themes give by many theme makers and other company. when you see on Google or any other search engines you have seen many result. there are many websites for giving you many theme and folder and icons logos and reverting codes giving here.
If you want to install best theme in ubuntu click here
when you open that you have many option on the screen, there are many codes giving in the page.
I am giving you the codes for Mac OS X theme giving below if you want to instal you just copy the code into your terminal and remember that you internet should be connected. without net connect you are not able to install the theme.
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes Now Enter This Command then go to install commands
- sudo apt-get update Install Icons
- sudo apt-get install mac-os-x-icons Install Theme
- sudo apt-get install mac-os-x-theme
- wget -O mac-cursors.zip http://goo.gl/eYtho
- sudo unzip mac-cursors.zip -d /usr/share/icons/
- sudo rm mac-cursors.zip
- cd /usr/share/icons/mac-cursors
- sudo chmod +x install-mac-cursors.sh uninstall-mac-cursors.sh
- ./install-mac-cursors.sh
Install Gnome Tweak Tool/Ubuntu Tweak to change Themes, Icons:
- sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool