Cyber culture:-Cyber culture is the culture that has emerged, or is emerging, from the use of computer networks for communication, entertainment, and business. It is also the study of various social phenomena associated with the Internet and other new forms of network communication, such as online communities, online multi-player gaming, social gaming, social media, and texting,and includes issues related to identity, privacy, and network formation.
Qualities of cyberculture:-First and foremost, cyberculture derives from traditional notions of culture, as the roots of the word imply. In non-cyberculture, it would be odd to speak of a single, monolithic culture. In cyberculture, by extension, searching for a single thing that is cyberculture would likely be problematic. The notion that there is a single, definable cyberculture is likely the complete dominance of early cyber territory by affluent North Americans. Writing by early proponents of cyberspace tends to reflect this assumption.
That said, there are several qualities that cybercultures share that make them warrant the prefix “cyber-“
- Is a community mediated by ICTs.
- Relies heavily on the notion of information and knowledge exchange.
- Is a “cognitive and social culture, not a geographic one.
- Is “the product of like-minded people finding a common ‘place’ to interact." etc....
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